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I Was Feeling Mushy...

Writer's picture: Brittany KolbBrittany Kolb

My simple, effective and efficient strength training routine.

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If you were to tell me 4 years ago that I would  have a “strength training routine” at the age of 39, I would have laughed out loud. 🤣

But here I am. 

Sharing my 10 minute, very basic, but very efficient and effective strength training routine with you.

Here is the thing…

This is not something that I started when I was beginning my weight loss journey. It’s something that I’ve slowly added on and worked up to. 

If you are reading this, then you might describe yourself as a supermom who goes ALL IN on whatever she is committed to.

I see you. 

I know exactly where you are coming from. 

You want to do it right, completely, from the start, 100%. 

I love that. 

I’ve been there too.

But then I started to realize, trying to make too many changes at once, isn’t sustainable… and it usually doesn’t work. 

You get burned out and ultimately none of the changes stick, and you go back to your old patterns and habits.

Small sustainable changes over time are the key to making those changes permanent. 

It gives your brain time to really become the person that does those things automatically.

Your brain will think… 

“I just do this.”

“This is part of my routine.”

“This is how I eat.” 

Replace "this" with whatever action or routine works for you and you get the picture. 

This is why in my self paced program, I want you to make small sustainable changes that work for you, become the person that just does those things, then see where the next evolution of your journey takes you. 

When I started this journey I DID NOT have the capacity to add an exercise routine.

My focus was balancing my hormones, finding foods that worked for me, and feeling my emotions and urges instead of eating.

That was enough. 

Once I got the hang of that and the weight came off and stayed off… I started slowly adding on other things to benefit my overall health….

Less coffee

Green Tea

Apple Cider Vinegar Drinks Before Meals

Occasional Longer Fasts

Biking Outside

Walking on Purpose

Flaxseed where I can Sneak It In

Kefir to my smoothies to help my gut

And Now

Strength Training. 

Here is where I started.

Stage 1

2 Sets of 10

With my Body Weight and Two 5 pound Weights, Only 4 Days a Week

  1. Regular Squats, starting with my Body Weight and Working Up To Holding 2, 5 Pound Weight

  2. Sumo Squats, Starting with my Body Weight and Working Up to Holding 2, 5 Pound Weights. 

  3. Overhead Tricep Press with 1, Five Pound Weight Then Eventually 2. 

  4. Tricep Row, with 1, Five  Pound Weight then Eventually 2.

  5. Push Ups, Angled on Couch then eventually fully on the floor. 

  6. Sit Ups

  7. Plank for 30 seconds, working up to a minute. 

I started to feel stronger. It felt easier to pick up my son or lift a heavy bag of groceries. I liked it, so when I was ready I added on. In the days I wasn’t doing this routine I did the stage 2 routine with a 25 pound weight. 

Stage 2

Stage 1, 4 days a week, plus Stage 2 routine 3 days a week: :

With 25 Pound Weight (Adjust as needed) 2 sets of 10

  1. Regular squats.

  2. Sumo Squats

  3. Standing Side Crunches 

  4. Deadlifts

  5. Lunges

Then I realized I needed a more whole body routine, and I was getting sick of doing squats. 🤣

Stage 3 is where I am now.

Stage 3

Using a combination of 2 five pound weights, 2 ten pound weights, and a 25 pound weight adjust depending on where you are at, alternate (not do them all!!!) these three routines everyday. 

2 Sets of 10

  1. Romanian Deadlifts, bicep curls, overhead tricep extensions, push ups, twisting sit up with weight, regular and side sit ups, plank x 1 minute  (Two Days a Week)

  2. Bulgarian Split Squats, tricep row, dumbbell upright row,  push ups, twisting sit up with weight, regular and side sit ups, plank x 1 minute (Two Days a Week)

  3. Regular Squats, sumo squats, standing side crunches, deadlifts, and twisting lunges This is the only routine where I use the 25 pound weight exclusively (3 Days a Week)

That’s it. 

I do one routine to strength train every day. It takes me about 10 minutes and I see results very clearly. My muscles are more defined, I can more easily pick up my 6 year old son, and the big win?… I feel a lot less mushy. 

Take this information and when you are ready, like when you start to think, "It's possible I could be the person that strength trains," Get started with something easy, and move your way up… slowly…. You’ve got this!

Picture of me picking up my son while exploring the Botanical Gardens in Lisbon, Portugal. This was hard for me in early April, it's much easier now. 🥰

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